sleep for healthIn today’s busy world, it can be hard maintain good sleeping habits.. Between work, play, and spending time with your loved ones, carving out some time to rest is difficult. But getting a good night’s sleep is absolutely essential to physical and mental well being. The benefits of sleep are innumerable, and a lack of rest can be seriously harmful to your body.

Sleeping between seven and nine hours every night gives your body a chance to recuperate from the day’s stresses. While sleeping, wounds heal faster, and those who get a good night’s rest are less likely to come down with illnesses like the flu or common colds. In addition to the physical benefits of sleep, it’s important to remember that your brain is able to remember information better when it’s rested. During sleep, your brain catalogs and stores what you learned throughout the day, so if you are trying to learn or remember something new, a solid night of sleep might help you for the next day.

A lack a quality sleep can lead to major health problems like obesity and depression. When we are not well rested, our bodies look for a quick source of energy to give us a boost, and we usually turn to unhealthy snacks or drinks, laden with sugar and fat. Continuously indulging in these unhealthy foods can have detrimental effects on our waistline and overall health. Someone who is sleep deprived also may have trouble with decision making, problem solving, and emotional regulation.

Many people may not realize that they’re sleep deprived, but without at least seven hours of restorative sleep a night, health can suffer. Don’t miss out on the healing power of sleep. Climb in bed a little early tonight, and let your body recover.

If you suffer from any of the effects of poor sleep, M.D. Express Urgent Care can help. Our convenient locations and 7 day a week openings mean that we are available when traditional medical offices are not. Come in for a consultation, and we can steer you in the right direction!