Stomach pains occur for many reasons, ranging from mild to severe. By itself, a typical “stomach ache” is not cause for alarm and can be safely treated at home. If stomach pain presents with new or worsening issues or is persistent, it may need to be evaluated by a medical professional. Here we explain how you can tell the difference between a typical stomach ache and a more serious matter and the most common causes of stomach pain.

Common Causes of Stomach Painstomach pain

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Crohn’s Disease
  • Gas
  • Food poisoning, Intolerance, or allergies
  • Lactose Intolerance
  • Endometriosis (in women)
  • Period cramps (in women)
  • Hernia
  • Gallstones
  • Kidney Stones
  • Appendicitis

Stay Home If:

If your stomach pain is mild to moderate and is not presenting with any other symptoms, you can safely stay home to self-treat. If you run a mild fever with no worsening of symptoms, or experience sneezing, coughing, and other cold-type symptoms, you can stay at home so long as they do not worsen or become more pronounced.

Schedule A Doctor’s Appointment If:

If you’re experiencing stomach pain that repeatedly comes back or grows worse over time, you may want to schedule a doctor’s appointment. This could also be the case if you notice that certain foods trigger your stomach pain or if you experience pain in the abdomen at least twice a month for three months.

Go to Urgent Care If:

If stomach pain is sudden but mild to moderate (not severe), you should go to your local urgent care center to be seen. If it is associated with vomiting, mild headache, or does not go away after a few hours, you should also be seen at your local urgent care.

Head to the ER If:

If it appears to be a severe or life-threatening emergency, you should seek treatment at the nearest ER. This could be the case if it is associated with dizziness, confusion, unconsciousness, vomiting blood, bloody stools, jaundice, or high-grade fever. It is also an emergency if the pain is acute or sustained and could be described as the “worst stomach pain of your life.”

For non-emergent situations, come see our medical experts at M.D. Express Urgent Care.