treating fluIn the midst of the season changing into a colorful, crisp autumn, it’s easy to forget that it’s also the season that the flu begins to make a sweeping round within many communities. While vaccinations against the flu are highly recommended, they won’t help you after you’ve already contracted the virus. If you are in need of finding a treatment for the flu, here are three important tips we encourage you to keep in mind:

Identify: Is it the flu, or is it just a common cold? While both may leave you with a stuffy nose, achy muscles, or a sore throat, there are some key indicators to help you distinguish between the two. Do you have a fever? Fevers are characteristic of the flu, but fevers are rare in cases of the common cold. Also, when it comes to those muscle aches, pay attention to how severe the pain feels. Is it difficult to get out of bed and walk around? Are these muscle aches accompanied by headaches? If so, you likely have the flu.

Manage your Symptoms: Once you are certain that you have the flu, try managing your symptoms at home. Two primary flu busters include rest and hydration. Drink plenty of clear fluids, as well as chicken or vegetable broth. If you have clogged airways, try resting in a hot, steamy bath, as steam is beneficial for relieving congestion and clearing phlegm.

Know a Caregiver: Be ready to call a doctor or other medical professional, but only if your symptoms do not clear up after a whole week. Also, keep in mind that the flu poses far more dangerous threats for people under certain conditions. This includes the elderly, pregnant women and anyone else with a chronic disease that can compromise the immune system or organ function. If you or someone you love falls into one of these aforementioned categories and has contracted the flu, consult a medical professional right away.

At MDExpress, we know that it’s not always easy to know when you need to see a doctor or when you can treat the symptoms yourself at home.  We also understand that traditional office hours aren’t always convenient, kids and adults alike fall ill after regular business hours.  That’s why our 5 convenient  locations are open 7 days a week, from 9 AM to 9 PM to serve your medical needs.  Come see us, the doctor is ALWAYS in!