Knowing When to Visit Urgent Care vs. Emergency Room

2024-03-29T08:39:17-04:00April 10th, 2024|Categories: Blog, Health Tips|Tags: , , , |

When faced with a sudden medical issue, knowing where to seek care can be crucial. Urgent care centers like ours provide prompt medical attention for non-life-threatening conditions, offering a convenient alternative to the emergency room (ER). In this post, we'll discuss the ABCs, helping you understand when it's appropriate to visit urgent care versus heading [...]

High Fevers: Urgent Care, ER, or Stay Home?

2022-07-20T12:17:17-04:00March 10th, 2021|Categories: Blog, Health Tips|Tags: , , , , |

When yourself or a loved one spikes a high fever, it can be very scary - especially if that loved one is your child. As scary as they are, however, fevers can be a good thing. It means the immune system is working to get rid of the illness. Sometimes it's okay to simply wait [...]

Primary Care, Urgent Care, or ER: A Quick Guide

2022-07-20T12:19:27-04:00October 20th, 2020|Categories: Blog, Health Tips, Illnesses, Injuries|Tags: , , , |

As the healthcare industry has expanded to offer services for patients with a wide variety of needs - striking at any time, often without warning - it has left many patients wondering when to call their primary care doc, when to stop into an urgent care clinic, and when to go directly to the emergency [...]

Urgent Care Versus Emergency Room

2022-07-20T12:20:24-04:00September 1st, 2020|Categories: Blog, Health Tips|Tags: , , |

Some people might not be aware there is a difference between an urgent care facility and a hospital emergency room. While urgent care might sound as if it is the same as emergency care, there are huge differences between the two that everyone should be aware of.  M.D. Express Urgent Care shares the difference between [...]

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