Healthy Habits to Prevent Diabetes

2022-07-20T12:11:23-04:00February 10th, 2022|Categories: Blog, Illnesses|Tags: , , , |

Over 29 million Americans are living with diabetes. Due to the widespread nature of this condition, everyone needs to know how to prevent diabetes. M.D. Express Urgent Care knows that including healthy habits will help prevent diabetes.  These modest lifestyle changes aren't difficult to implement and will have lasting benefits to your health and well-being.  [...]

3 Ways to Stay Healthy in the New Year 

2022-07-20T12:12:02-04:00January 1st, 2022|Categories: Blog, Health Tips|Tags: , |

Our nation is experiencing unprecedented challenges at this time. So many of us are trying very hard to manage so many additional responsibilities that our mental, emotional, and physical health begins to deplete as a result. You can consider your path to good health in a myriad of ways, and we recommend a few manageable [...]

4 Simple Ways to Prevent the Spreads of Germs

2022-07-20T12:12:11-04:00December 20th, 2021|Categories: Blog, Health Tips|Tags: , |

Germs are everywhere, which makes the risk of coming into contact with them quite high. Among other infections, germs are known to cause respiratory infections such as flu and whooping cough.  Although it is impossible to avoid them completely, there are scientifically proven ways of minimizing their spread. M.D. Express Urgent Care shares a few [...]

Top 3 Tips to Avoid Injuries During Halloween

2022-07-20T12:13:10-04:00October 20th, 2021|Categories: Blog, Health Tips|Tags: , |

Halloween is supposed to be a fulfilled holiday; injuries are always inevitable, however. Hidden dangers come as a disguise during this holiday, its therefore essential to take extra measure to ensure your safety. An injury will most definitely ruin your holiday. The good news, however, is that most accidents that occur during Halloween are preventable. [...]

Five Essential Pool Safety Tips for Summer

2022-07-20T12:14:15-04:00August 20th, 2021|Categories: Blog, Health Tips|Tags: , |

Swimming pools can be fun and relaxing. Taking appropriate precautions and safety measures ensures everyone enjoys their time in and around the water. Reinforcing essential pool safety protocols and removing potentially dangerous objects is a good place to start. From residential to community pools, here are some basic safety pool safety tips for children, teens [...]

Protect Yourself from Lyme Disease This Summer

2022-07-20T12:16:19-04:00May 10th, 2021|Categories: Blog, Health Tips, Illnesses|Tags: , , |

With the beautiful warm weather and many outdoor activities starting to be available again, don’t let tick-borne illnesses put a damper on your summer fun. M.D. Express Urgent Care offers some tips on preventing Lyme Disease and recognizing its symptoms, so you can better enjoy your summer walks and hikes on the Peninsula. What is [...]

Four Tips on Preventing Falls for Older Adults

2022-07-20T12:18:13-04:00January 20th, 2021|Categories: Blog, Health Tips|Tags: , |

One of the greatest dangers facing older adults is the possibility of falling. According to the CDC, 95 percent of hip fractures in people over age 65 are caused by falling. Falls are the most common cause of brain injuries in older people. While you can’t completely eliminate the chance of falling, you can reduce [...]

Good Posture is Important for Bone Health

2022-07-20T12:18:45-04:00December 10th, 2020|Categories: Blog, Health Tips|Tags: , |

Practicing good posture is not something one normally thinks of when trying to combat the effects of aging, however, more and more research shows how changes in posture are just as important as other age-related conditions such as joint degeneration. Whether a person is young or old, paying attention to posture and developing good postural [...]

Five Holiday Health and Safety Tips to Keep Your Seasons Bright

2022-07-20T12:18:55-04:00November 20th, 2020|Categories: Blog, Health Tips|Tags: , |

During this time of year we typically see such holiday-related injuries as falls off ladders while decorating; injuries caused by electrical shocks; and, sadly, many alcohol-related accidents which could easily have been prevented. While it may be tempting to do everything up “big” this time of year, we offer the following tips from our experienced [...]

Halloween Safety Tips

2022-07-20T12:19:35-04:00October 10th, 2020|Categories: Blog, Health Tips|Tags: , |

For both children and adults, dressing up is a big part of Halloween. But, you can put your health in jeopardy if you aren’t careful about what you choose for your costume. Masks, overly restrictive costumes and dark colors can cause some safety concerns on Halloween night. M.D. Express Urgent Care shares some alternative options [...]

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